All my life I have been an avid horse lover. So when my Great Aunt Ethel Gardner started our breeding program well over 50 years ago with her great stallion, The Yankee (Whippoorwill Duke X Jenny Lake), Morgan horses became my way of life. I am very blessed to be a third generation Morgan breeder and owner. I work in conjunction with my mother Niven Owings, whose Spring Lake Farm is centrally located in Lake Wales, FL. My Great Aunt and my mother have been some of my greatest mentors and they have instilled a strong sense in me that the Morgan Horse should be a versatile horse. Pick your horse for his correct conformation, intelligence, disposition and versatility; then pick your discipline, change your discipline, use the same horse. With the Morgan this is easy to do as they are known for their quick and flexible minds, calm and steady way of going- along with their BIG loving hearts. My Great Aunt Ethel's stallion The Yankee was a multi Champion in many disciplines from , dressage, western, english, even harness racing as well as being an incredible family horse on the trail and at home. To learn more about my Great Aunt and the contribution she made to the Morgan Horse World, and believing that the Morgan horse is the ultimate versatile horse please read this article about her from the August 2003 issue of The Morgan Horse magazine, titled "Yankee Ingenuity", written by Sue Brander.

Our hopes are to produce foals that match or exceed the expectations that we have of their parents. In essence, each foal should be better than the sire and dam. This results in a classic Morgan, with a chiseled head and tippy ears, a full curvy body along with strong sturdy legs and fabulous "Morgan" feet. By carefully selecting and matching mares to stallions, we believe that is what we are accomplishing at our farms. Because of this, sometimes we only produce a few foals each year, but I think it is worth the wait.

Our foundation lines are rich in old blood, with such respected Morgans as Squire Burger, Lippitt, Flyhawk, Ulendon, Blackwood Correll, Mentor, Californio, Winterset, Jubilee King and his full sister Sentola and of course Whippoorwill Duke. We are honored to have some of the closest living relatives to Figure in our herds as a few of these horses will trace to Figure in 11 generations as many as 12 times.

At MtnTop Morgans in Brooklyn, MI we have been selectively adding a few colorful Morgans that we hope will have a great influence on the foals we produce. Above and beyond, we strive to produce the "perfect foal"; if this foal also happens to be colorful, then that is wonderful too.

Visitors are always welcome at MtnTop Morgans, Brooklyn, MI as our horses just love visitors. A call in advance is most appreciated.


Well I am SUPER excited to announce the sale and new home for a very special girl, MtnTop Erin Go Braugh (MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek x Tan War Bird) will be heading to her new home in the spring after staying here with me at MtnTop Morgans for her saddle training.

Erin will join her half sister the very lovely palomino MtnTop Miss Sun Bird, aka Fanny, by the same dam. Erin's new mommy and daddy are Shelly and Phil of BC. They just love Fanny so much that over this past summer, due to Phil's 20 year of non Morgan, having started to show his age and showing some soundness issue. Well that got them into looking for a good riding horse for them and have Phils horse live out his days as a beautiful pasture ornament.

A couple weeks back they contacted me and sent me lovely pictures of Fanny ( I feel blessed that folks have my horses keep in contact with me) and made mention that they were looking for a good horse very much like Fanny and just couldn't seem to find one that fit them. They noticed I didn't have anything for sale on my website but thought they would ask anyway.

WELL as it was I did and I didn't have anything for sale LOL. I had recently brought Erin home to MtnTop Morgans and she was starting her training and had about 5 rides on her. My plans were to get her trained over the winter and list her for sale in the spring (I think it is important that horses of riding age be trained no matter what they are going to be used for). Well the more we chatted the more they wanted Erin and the more I knew this was the home for her so VIOLA the sale was done with Erin getting her training here until spring.

CONGRATULATIONS to Phil and Shelley and of course to Fanny who will have her half sister to play with and live with as well.

Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors

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Kristal Homoki
15126 US 12 * Brooklyn, MI 49230 * 517-414-6095 *

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