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THE YANKEE (Whippoorwill Duke x Jenny Lake) foaled 1960, flaxen chestnut. The Yankee was an incredible stallion. He was the true versatile Morgan and won Championship in many different divisions. He was the foundation stallion of my Great Aunt Ethel Gardner's breeding program and became the cornerstone of the lines that are behind my horses today.

WHIPPOORWILL DUKE (Squire Burger x Diana-Mansfield) 1952 chestnut,- breeder/owner Mary Jean Vasiloff. Duke was a great ambassador for the Morgan Horse as he was sane, athletic, beautiful and so gentle children could play around him. He sired 88 registered offspring. Duke is the sire of The Yankee and many of our stallions and mares trace to him, some with a very high concentration of Duke blood. Photos courtesy of Mary Jean Vasiloff.

JUBILEE KING (Penrod x Daisette) a chestnut foaled in 1927, bred by J.C. Brunk. Sired 84 registered offspring. Jubilee King has had, and continues to have a tremendous influence on the Morgan breed. Some of his more notable offspring were Red Vermont (Jubilee King x Daisy Knox ), Ken Carmen (Jubilee King x Heroda), Juban (Jubilee King X Jeanne)- these are just to name a few.

SQUIRE BURGER (Juzan x Nella) chestnut foaled 1938 and bred by J.C. Brunk. Squire Burger is a grandson of Jubilee King. From Squire Burger the Whippoorwill Morgans got their excellent dispositions, feet and legs, long shoulder set deeply back into the body, long and smooth powerful hindquarters, fine length of neck and remarkable intelligence. Squire Burger produced Mary Jean Vasiloff's own herd sire, Whippoorwill Duke, out of a mare called Diana Mansfield. Squire Burger also produced Whippoorwill Melody from a mare called Locket. Whippoorwill Melody is also found in the bloodlines here at MtnTop Morgans. Photos courtesy of Mary Jean Vasiloff.

CALIFORNIO (Tio Lalo X Sissey), 1967 palomino stallion. Sire of 54 offspring, including the well-known broodmare Tia Marietta, dam of the buckskin stallion Gold Cross Sun Catcher. Fourth photo by Dodo Knight; fifth photo courtesy of Mary Jean Vasiloff.

TIO LALO (Mahan Field X Palomesa), 1956 palomino stallion, sire of 19 Morgans. Sire of the buckskin mare Tia Margarita and the palomino stallion Californio. Known for his kind temperament as well as his golden color. Second photo courtesy of Kirsten Nelsen.

BLACKWOOD CORRELL (Red Correll X Lady Rockwood) . Foaled 6/16/1965 15.3 hands, Black, small star, snip, bh socks white, Hay Springs, NE. Bred by B. Wallace Mills. 60 registered offspring 26 colts, 34 fillies. Blackwood was a working ranch horse and was never shown. Known for a sensible disposition and a sense of humor. He sired Whippoorwill Newmoon, 2 time Grand National Open Reining Championship 1994 and 1996. Blackwood has 6 close-up crosses to Winterset in his pedigree. Color photo of Blackwood Correll at age 24 courtesy of Mary Jean Vasiloff.

ASHBROOK (Croydon Prince x Nancy) chestnut Foaled 5/15/1916, Windsor, VT. Progeny: 14 colts, 20 fillies. Founding sire of Lippitt lines. He is nicely mixed in our bloodlines with 4 to 8 crosses within 9 generations.

RED CORRELL (Will Rogers x Kate Smith) Foaled 5/12/1940, 14.3h Chestnut, star, both hind socks Owned by B. Wallace Mills, sire of 92 registered offspring.

WINTERSET (Captain Jack x Judea) Foaled 5/20/1922, Naperville, IL black 17 registered offspring. Winterset is truly a Morgan, with 34 crosses to Justin Morgan.

ULENDON (Ulysses x Allenda) Brown, lh sock white. Foaled 4/28/1933, MA. Breeder: W. L. Orcutt. Progeny: 51 colts, 43 fillies. Major Morgan sire of government breeding. Crosses back to Justin Morgan 320 times. This fine stallion is up close in some of our bloodlines- he is the great grandsire of our mare Spring Lake Katefly and gelding Dusky Duke.


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LIPPITT DULCIE (Lippitt Sam x Lippitt Dusky Kate) 1951 bay mare - This was a wonderful mare that my Great Aunt Ethel purchased to add into her breeding program. What a lovely grand mare she was. Dulcie brought our lines up close and very personal to Justin Morgan through 3 of his sons, Sherman with 29 crosses within her 8 and 9th generation, Woodbury with 28 crosses within her 8 and 9th generation and lastly Bulrush with 8 crosses within her 8th and 9th generation. Foaled in1951, Providence, RI. Registered Morgan progeny: 10 colts, 5 fillies Lippitt Dulcie, a foal of 1951, ridden in the 1960 GMHA 100 by Karen Mc Laughlin, was by Lippitt Sam x Lippitt Dusky Kate, by Lippitt Ethan Ash

TIA MARIETTA (Tio Lalo X Gay Berta), 1967 buckskin mare. Bred by Dick and Phyllis Nelson, Mohican Farms. This well known best producer of colorful mares is truly a treasure to have added in my bloodlines and we hope to find more up close lines in the future.

JENNY LAKE (Senator Graham x Monty), 1946 chestnut mare- Bred by LU Sheep Ranch. Solid chestnut. Foaled May 1946, Worland, WY. Owned by Helen Brunk Greenwalt, Pawnee, IL. Progeny: 4 colts, 3 fillies Jenny Lake is the dam of The Yankee who would be the foundation sire of the past three generations of Morgans in my family. Pictured with Jenny is Jubilee Joy (behind).

WHIPPOORWILL LOCKET (Whippoorwill Duke x Whippoorwill Starling) 1975 black mare- Bred by McCulloch Farm. Black, irregular star. Foaled 5/27/1975, Old Lyme, CT. One of the most lovely daughters of Whippoorwill Duke. 13 registered Morgan progeny. I feel very blessed to have so much of this lovely mare's blood in so many of my horses.

SENTOLA (Penrod x Daisette) 1928 chestnut mare -Very dark chestnut, flaxen mane & tail. Breeder: J.C.Brunk Foaled June 1928, Springfield, IL. A real Indian Chief type; beautiful eyes and expression, good size, strong boned, active and hard to fault as a saddle type.--Joseph C. Brunk. Never shown due to knee joint injury as yearling, except in broodmare & foal classes. Registered progeny: 9 colts, 6 fillies. Sentola born one year later to the day than her full brother to Jubilee King. She in my opinion was probably one of the best producing mares in Morgandom; all of her foals were incredibly outstanding and went on to make fantastic names for themselves. I feel it is very important to have her blood in my breeding program as many traits are only passed through mare lines and by incorporating full siblings such as Jubilee King and Sentola I feel we are bringing together the best of the best.

On our website's pages you will see our present. Below is a little bit of our past.

This page will continue to be a work in progress as history is consistently changing. The following stallions and mares are just some of the incredible Morgans that can be found within 9 generations of the horses here at MtnTop Morgans. These three stallions (left) represent some of the finest old foundation blood in the Morgan breed. At the top is Californio (Tio Lalo X Sissey), a 1967 palomino stallion who brought color to our herd through our stallion Universal Gold Card (now deceased) and a couple of our mares, Universal Selection and two of her fillies we retained. In the center is Whippoorwill Duke (Squire Burger X Diana-Mansfield), foaled in 1952 and the fountainhead of the Whippoorwill Morgans. Whippoorwill Duke is a prominent figure is almost our entire herd. Below is Duke's 1960 son The Yankee (out of Jenny Lake). He was my great-aunt Ethel Gardner's stallion, and his blood is strong in our breeding stock via his double granddaughter Springlake Katefly and her son, our black stallion MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek.

Our breeding stock is carefully chosen with consistency in mind- consistency of type, trainability and most of all- that fabulous Morgan temperament.

I would like to thank Mary Jean Vasiloff of McCullough Farms and Ina Ish of Longstreet Consulting for supplying me with so many of these wonderful photos and information. Laura Behning of Brookridge Morgans because without all the research she has done many of these pictures would be lost to the Morgan world. Many of the photos have come from magazines, correspondence, on-line groups and various other articles. If you have better photos or different photos of the horses shown here or have some information about them that would be an asset to this page please feel free to contact me.

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Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors

Kristal Homoki
15126 US 12 * Brooklyn, MI 49230 * 517-414-6095 *

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