The Geldings of MtnTop Morgans


(Yankee's Anhingo x Yankee's Pleasure)

1995 chestnut gelding, 100% Foundation

Dusky Duke (better known as "Dude", which fits this boy's personality perfectly) is a wonderful flaxen chestnut who really just about has done it all. My children rode and showed him 4-H, English, Western, Dressage and Games, as well as showing him at breed shows. He was my competitive trail horse for several years and that was something he really loved doing. Now he is enjoying the life of being my husband's friend and trail mount. These two are like two peas in a pod and a better match of horse and rider I have yet to see. Dude takes the best of care of Kurt while Kurt spoils him with treats and love. Dude is our only gelding but he really pays for his care not only in all the work he will do for us but he is the best babysitter when the foals are being weaned - though to be honest, he sure can give us the "look" for keeping him out there with all those babies.

Dude is a full brother to our black mare, Spring Lake Katefly, and my mother's mare Dulcie Lenda.

You can view Dude's complete pedigree here.

It includes pictures of many of his ancestors.

More photos of Dude

(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)

Yankee's Anhingo

The Yankee

Whippoorwill Duke

Jenny Lake

Lippitt Dulcie

Lippitt Sam

Lippitt Dusky Kate

Yankee's Pleasure

The Yankee

Whippoorwill Duke

Jenny Lake

Cascade's Udonnafly



First snow 2012

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Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors

Kristal Homoki
15126 US 12 * Brooklyn, MI 49230 * 517-414-6095 *

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