Training at MtnTop Morgans

Thank you to my clients, past and future, for trusting me with you wonderful horses. We are full through 2014  but we can put you on a waiting list if something comes open on a first come first serve bases. I will soon be opening my training books for 2015 if you are interested please contact me.

And a HUGE Thank You to all my 2013 clients for entrusting me with your precious horses they were all a joy to work with and train.

In 2009 we finished our newly built facilities that include an indoor and an outdoor riding arena. We have an area just for training horses which includes their own pasture and two run ins. Because of that we will ONLY accept 2 outside horses for training. This not only allows your horses to be worked with by "only" the trainer, but they get the one on one quality that the horse deserves. Spaces are LIMITED so you may need to reserve your spot now.

From training a yearling, to starting a young horse to finishing your horse for the show ring, the trail or just for the family pet, it can ALL be accomplished here at MtnTop Morgans. I would consider us to be "whole-horse" oriented in training. We work forward in having the horses' overall well-being in mind - mental, emotional and physical. Trust and Respect is what is stressed here in our training programs. If you don't have respect on the ground with your horses then you won't have it under saddle. All horses of any age will learn superior ground manners; this will make your relationship with your horse more pleasant and in the end you will have a far happier horse. Horses learn what we consider just basic stuff which includes proper shoulder and haunches movement. Having control over the entire body. Learning to use their back etc. Soft and supple horses that are happy and love to learn are just a few things we work on here. There are many videos throughout my website that show training on horses from weanlings to fully trained.

Full Board and Training for 2014 is $700 per month. Full Board and Training for stallions is $800, but we have very limited space for stallions so you will need to reserve that space. We have a 90 day minimum for training horses since we don't believe in turning out 30 day wonders. Usually the horse has a very general idea of what it needs to be doing within the first 60 days; those last 30 days of training are very important as they instill all the training they have learned into second nature for the horse. The following links are just a few example of videos of how our horses are handled (from foalhood through riding) and what they are taught here at MtnTop Morgans. We will add to this collection as we show our horses in training and finished. Or you can go to YouTube and search for and all our videos should come up for your viewing pleasure.

**All horses, like people learn at a different rate. What one horse learns in 30 to 90 days is very different than another horse. Horses are trained here at the rate that the horse is capable of learning, starting with ground work and continuing on under saddle.

Riding videos

(click each video link to open in YouTube)

MtnTop Tru Melody-45 days- NFS (2013 clients horse)

MtnTop Tru Melody-5th ride- NFS (2013 clients horse)

Spring Lake Nellie Anne - 45 days - (2012 clients horse)

LBF Amazing Grace- 45 days training - 2012 (clients horse)

LBF China Town Doll- 45 days training - 2012 (clients horse)

Baptiste Blue Hawaii - 4 months training - 2011 (clients horse)

MtnTop Forever Hawk - 45 days undersaddle - 2011 (clients horse)

Jasper 45 days - October 2010

30 day training video, customer horse

60 days training video, same customer horse

90 days training video, same customer horse

trail riding video, same horse

Bonus training video, same horse

July 2009 video of Roadie, palomino stallion, western

July 2009 video of Roadie under saddle, huntseat

July 2009 video of Roadie doing rail work

Desi learning to control her body and desensitization work, Jan 30, 2010

Desi working western, nice balance in a small indoor, Jan 30, 2010

Desi huntseat, first time in a ported bit, Jan 30, 2010

Desi and American Flag, December 2009

Desi ground manners, December 2009

February 2010 Desi on the trail

Foal training videos

(click each video link to open in YouTube)

MtnTop Macchiato - 4 Months old - 2013 - SOLD

MtnTop Paschal Moon - 4 months old - 2013 - SOLD

MtnTop Paschal Moon 3 weeks old - 2013 - SOLD

MtnTop Macchiato - one month ground training - 2013-SOLD

MtnTop Goodness Gracious 21 months -2012 -NOT For Sale

MtnTop Easter Lily 7 months old -2012 -NOT For Sale

MtnTop Truly Scrumptious 6 months old -2012 -NOT For Sale

MtnTop Grand Adventure 11 weeks training -2012 - For Sale

MtnTop Grand Adventure 3 weeks training -2012 - For Sale

MtnTop Easter Lily 3 weeks training - 2012 - RETAINED

MtnTop Goodness Gracious 2 weeks old - RETAINED - 2011

MtnTop Goodness Gracious 8 weeks old - RETAINED - 2011

MtnTop Phoenix Rising 2011 - Sold - 6 months old

Erin October 2010 6 1/2 months old ground work

Hope training video 2010

video of Erin's ground manners 2010

July 2010 Erin, trailer loading, leading and trimming

Kerrias 2010, leading and trimming (sold as a weanling)

Video of Indy, 2009 colt, leading and basic ground manners

Video of Diesel, 2009 colt, being clipped

Video of Diesel loading on the trailer

MtnTop Xavier grooming, trimming and manners at 5 months old (sold at 9 months old)

Xavier at 3 months old 2008

Xavier leading, trail class including tarps 2008, loading

Video of MtnTop Forever Hawk as a yearling (sold as a yearling) leading, vacuuming, trailer and trail course

Video of MtnTop Miss SunBird at 3 months old (sold as a weanling)

Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors

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Kristal Homoki
15126 US 12 * Brooklyn, MI 49230 * 517-414-6095 *

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©Copyright 2007-2013 MtnTop Morgans
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.