For Sale from MtnTop Morgans, Brooklyn MI
The handling of our foals and horses here at MtnTop Morgans is one we take very seriously. The care and training of our foals starts at the moment of their birth. Lessons learned at this age can last a lifetime. Match that training with the genetic predisposition of a Morgan and the end result is an outstanding adult horse that not only loves people but is a willing partner. You can see lots of different foaling handling videos of my babies on my Training page scroll down to the foal videos.
All our foals are handled daily and learn to stand tied, lead, be clipped, vacuumed, have their feet trimmed, etc. all in a very relaxed frame of mind. If a horse comes here as an untrained horse they will get all the required handling to become a respectful quiet horse before being started under saddle. This is important for the horse/human relationship.
All my babies are dewormed monthly and get monthly hoof trimming. They come with AMHA registration, transfer of ownership to AMHA, Coggins and US health certificate and all the normal foal training that my babies get. Our training page has links to many of our YouTube videos that show how we handle our horses, from foalhood through under saddle work. We invite you to check them out! I am also adding for anyone that buys one of my foals they will receive a future discount if the foal comes back to me for training under saddle!
Since our Stallions will no longer be standing to the public if you are interested in having a foal by one of our Stallions you will have to purchase one from us.
(inquiries invited)
(MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek x WAR Le Fire Bird) Guaranteed black foal!!! This will be the 4th time for this cross and ALL these foals have been stunning and have sold as early as 3 days after birth to before weaning. In utero available contact me on the discounted in utero price
(MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek x Tan War Bird) again another stunning cross -
We currently don’t have any foals or riding horses available. If you would like to be on a contact list if we have something please contact me and let me know.
Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors
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