Kristal Homoki
15126 US 12 * Brooklyn, MI 49230 * 517-414-6095 *

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The Stallions of MtnTop Morgans


Above pictures were taken February 2012 - Tanek just turned 7 years old

Whippoorwill Talisman

Whippoorwill Newmoon

Blackwood Correll

Whippoorwill Kathleen

Whippoorwill Locket

Whippoorwill Duke

Whippoorwill Starling

Spring Lake Katefly

Yankee's Anhingo

The Yankee

Lippitt Dulcie

Yankee's Pleasure

The Yankee

Cascade's Udonnafly


(Whippoorwill Talisman X Spring Lake Katefly)

2005 black stallion (EE aa), 100% Foundation

Tanek's slideshow video from birth to 3 years old

This boy is the horse of my dreams and one of my Heart horses here at MtnTop Morgans. I was very blessed and grateful that Mary Jean Vasiloff of McCulloch Farms leased her wonderful stallion Whippoorwill Talisman to my mother and I. Breeding "Tali" to my favorite mare "Katie" produced this incredible 100% Foundation stallion. There is never any doubt that Tanek is a Morgan. And I knew this when he was less than three days old. So much so that I gelded and sold the stallion I had on my farm and I haven't been disappointed yet. Tanek has correct conformation, a wonderful head and his movement is elegant, efficient and exciting to watch. He has passed on his elegance to his foals and they are just as fantastic to watch as he is. He will add a great hip, short back and a fantastic shoulder to his offspring. Tanek has the most natural knee action and correct hock movement I have seen in a long time; never once has anything artificial been added to enhance his movements. Throw in a beautiful head and his foals scream Morgan.

Tanek traces back to "Figure" over 11 times in 12 generations. He goes back to Jubilee King through all of his grandparents with a nice touch of Lippitt and Flyhawk. And he traces to Winterset through Blackwood Correll. Every line of this guy is rich in old blood and very up close in his pedigree. Tanek comes from a long line of versatile Morgans with Champions in Reining, Driving, Dressage, Western pleasure, Hunter, Park and Endurance. He can most assuredly help produce versatile Morgan Champions in the future as well as loveable wonderful family horses.

I was very excited at his birth knowing I could pass along such wonderful quality Morgans in the future. The added surprise was when I had Tanek color tested and low and behold he came back E/E a/a. This means he is homozygous for black and can only produce black based foals- he will NEVER produce a chestnut foal.

Currently Tanek is not standing to the public. If you are interested in owning one of his foals please let me know. I have quality mares here that he can be bred to.

Both of Taneks 2013 foals have arrived a beautiful 100 % Foundation Homozygous for black colt (SOLD) and a 99% Foundation smoky black colt (still For Sale).  Please check out the For Sale page for more information.

Below video slideshow done February 2012                                Below video done May 2013


You can view Tanek's complete pedigree here.

It includes pictures of many of his ancestors.

More photos of Tanek
(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)

Above pictures taken May 2013


(Universal Gold Card X Spring Lake Katefly)

2013 smokey black  stallion (EecrCR) 100% Foundation, pictured at 3 days old

When I purchased Sir G’s sire, Universal Gold Card, the main reason was to breed  Sir G’s dam to him.  Just after breeding them in 2013 we sadly lost Universal Gold Card.  So I was keeping my fingers crossed that Katie would continue with her tradition and give me a colt.  She didn’t fail me and this boy is AWESOME.

Just like his half brother, Tanek, Sir G traces back to "Figure" over 11 times in 12 generations. He goes back to Jubilee King through all of his grandparents with a nice touch of Lippitt and Flyhawk.  He has an AMAZING 10 crosses to Squire Burger all within the 5th through 8th generation.   He has that added bonus of the lovely Californio lines and well as the touch of Blackwood Correll lines. Talk about old blood.  Every line of this guy is rich in old blood and very up close in his pedigree. Sir G comes from a long line of versatile Morgans with Champions in Reining, Driving, Dressage, Western pleasure, Hunter, Park and Endurance. He can most assuredly help produce versatile Morgan Champions in the future as well as loveable wonderful family horses.  Stay tuned and watch him grow with us

Universal Gold Card

Gold Cross Suncatcher

Whippoorwill Arges

Tia Marietta

Whippoorwill Memento

Whippoorwill Starlark

Whippoorwill Keepsake

Spring Lake Katefly

Yankee's Anhingo

The Yankee

Lippitt Dulcie

Yankee's Pleasure

The Yankee

Cascade's Udonnafly

You can view Sir G’s complete pedigree here.

It includes pictures of many of his ancestors.

More photos of Sir G

(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)

Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors

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