(Yankees Anhingo x Yankees Pleasure)
1999 black mare, 100% Foundation (Ee aa)
Katie is a 100% Foundation mare and is the product of my mother's main stallion and
mare at the time (Yankee’s Anhingo and Yankee’s Pleasure). Katie moves with the grace
and elegance of a royal queen. She has soft large eyes and the brains behind it that
make her a Morgan. No wonder as she traces back to Figure 11 times in 11 generations.
She is trained under saddle in Western and Hunter and has consistently won ribbons
in every class she has entered in-
Whew what a blast I had the weekend of August 27 and 28, 2011. I had the extreme privilege of participating in the Equistride Dressage clinic with some of the most incredible trainers. Eight riders all had one on one lessons with such greats as Mette Rosencrantz. One of her most recent accomplishments was on Basquewille winning the Grand Prix Invitational at the World Cup in 2007. Talk about me being just a bit intimidated LOL. Add to the fact that the other 7 riders ranged from 2nd Level dressage and UP!! And then there was just me on my best mare who had the past 3 years off to have babies and completely trained by me AND while I have ridden many, many different disciplines ranging from Western, hunt, jumping to Saddle seat etc. I had NEVER had a dressage lesson in my life. So when Mette at one point in the video tells me not to be so happy when she gives me a compliment I just didn't have the heart to tell her "What are you kidding of course I am ECSTATIC!!!!" I do think I might see some dressage in my future.
I am so very proud of my homegrown, home trained girl. The long weekend of July
27 -
I am also very excited to say that Katie foaled a beautiful black or smoky black colt by Universal Gold Card on Thursday May 23. This foal is NOT For Sale since we lost his sire last year so please follow him as he grows on our Stallions page.
The videos below are the very first tests we did that weekend with the second video being our first BLUE ribbon!!
August 2011 first dressage lesson, with Mette Rosencrantz
To see more of the dressage lesson with Mette, August 2011, click here.
The Mares of MtnTop Morgans
August 2011 first dressage lesson, with Mette Rosencrantz
To see more of the dressage lesson with Mette, August 2011, click here.
Yankee's Anhingo/chnt
The Yankee/chnt
Whippoorwill Duke/chnt
Jenny Lake/chnt
Lippitt Dulcie/bay
Lippitt Sam/chnt
Lippitt Dusky Kate/bay
The Yankee/chnt
Whippoorwill Duke/chnt
Jenny Lake/chnt
Cascade's Udonnafly/brown
Yankee's Pleasure/bay
You can view Katie's complete pedigree here.
It includes pictures of many of her ancestors.
More photos of Katie
(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)
2012 Grand Reserve Training Level Dressage Novice Horse and Novice Rider and photo credit Wendy Peterson
Showing in 2011
(Universal Trigger x Universal Terrific Cross)
2006 cremello mare, 100% Foundation (ee Aa Cr/Cr)
I would like to thank Susan and Preston Haun of Christie Farms & Stables for giving me the opportunity to purchase this incredible mare. “Faith”, by Universal Trigger and out of Universal Terrific Cross, is the mare I spent 3 years looking for. One, she had to be 100% Foundation; two, she had to be a double cream dilute; and three, she had to carry at least ONE agouti gene. Faith not only met all these requirements but she has fabulous bloodlines to boot. Dusty Joe, Californio, Triple S and Whippoorwill lines... what a combination! Faith has given us 3 Fantastic foals. What a producer she is. I have retained two of her foals for our future breeding program and to ride and love on.
This young lady is a dream come true for us here at MtnTop Morgans. And what a sweetheart she is! She is the first to come see you at the gate and plays very well with our weanlings. She is very sturdy and correct, with great bone and a super lovely head. She moves with such elegance and grace. She is a very fast learner and has taken to her saddle training with all the heart I would expect of this bloodline. She is a natural at trail riding and enjoys being out.
In May of 2013 I was very excited to take Faith to a John Lassetter Dressage clinic for three days. Below are a shortened version of each day there. About 8 minutes long each :) You can see so much changes and improvement by the third day. And in the end Joh had us leg yielding and half passing at the trot. Doing counter canters etc. I REALLY loved how well John instructs he explains each and every time just what he wants you to do even if you have done the exercise before. Wonderful teacher!!!! Thank you John so much.
(Rimlo Black Talent X W A R Le Bird)
1998 black mare, 100% Foundation (Ee aa)
I think I am truly blessed to be able to add this wonderful mare to my herd. She came to me by way of some incredible people. In February 2010 I received loads of emails from internet friends that mentioned "Hey isn't this the dam of one of your mares?" Well sure enough, this is the dam of one of my favorite mares and best producers of foals in my herd, Tan War Bird. This group of people helped me coordinate purchasing her and getting her home to me so that she didn't go to a very bad end or have to be rescued. The Forever Morgans organization rescues many horses and finds them wonderful homes. They are a special group of people. Thanks for finding this wonderful mare for me.
L E is such a sweetheart with the softest kindest eye. She has a lovely shoulder and hip and the very first time she trotted I about dropped my jaw. She takes your breath away. Her forward knee action and beautiful hock movement is just amazing. You know that since she lived her life among the Amish that this is all "natural" movement with no enhancements. Truly lovely to see. What is even more amazing about her is that she had a horrific driving accident with her previous owner. She damaged both front knees and exposed bone. For this reason she is sometimes moves very stiffly and has some bad knots in her joints (this is one reason we don’t have a video or too many pictures of her) but when she really puts on a show “Watch out” she takes your breathe away.
L E is 100% Foundation breeding and I love her bloodlines as well. One of the many things I love about her and her daughter is the lines that trace to Sentola. L E has 8 crossings to Sentola. Sentola is a full sister to Jubilee King so bringing in a mare line of that breeding is IMO a great thing. Her up close crosses to Winterset (10 crosses in 9 generations) along with the beautiful Romanesque (6 crosses in 8 generations) will make her value to me, crossed with my boys, an extra plus.
Crossing LE with our black Stallion, MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek has produced two fantastic foals. The 2011 colt sold by weaning and the 2012 homozygous black filly, MtnTop Isabella, sold at 3 days old. The 2013 colt, MtnTop Paschal sold at 1 month old!!!!
This is such a GREAT cross that we will be doing a repeat for 2014, available at a discounted in utero price so get yours NOW!!!
You can view L E's complete pedigree here.
It includes pictures of many of her ancestors.
More photos of L E
(click on a thumbnail
to enlarge)
Rimlo Black Talent
Rimlo Knight Hawk
Mary Kay
Rimlo Black Suzette
Black Jig
Hillview Suzanne
WAR Le Bird
WAR Omega Bird
Western Mansfield
Bird S Sentney
WAR Tosca Lele
WAR Omega Bird
WAR Tosca Tola
(Myrrhwood Marcello X W A R Le Fire Bird)
2002 buckskin mare, 98.9% foiundation (Ee Aa N/Cr)
Being able to purchase a Morgan of color has always been a dream of mine. Being able to find one in the bloodlines that I enjoy and that I think will cross great with my bloodlines was next to impossible. Then along came Birdie; Tan War Bird. I purchased her from Heather Eckert of Rosebank Farm. Birdie has turned out to be one of the sweetest mares I have ever known. From her big dark eyes to her tiny ears, she can tell you what she thinks just by looking at you. Her beauty is very distinct, not only in her golden color but in everything about her. Birdie has the most beautiful and sought after foals to date; all her foals have sold before they were yearlings, with most being sold as weanlings. She has foals in Germany and Canada and in different regions of the USA. Every one of her foals has beauty and grace and just a joy to be around. If I weren't a breeding farm I would keep all of her foals.
Birdie brings in some of my favorite bloodlines and by crossing them with my boys, the results have just been outstanding. Birdie crosses to one of my favorite stallions, King Mick as well as many crosses to Jubilee King and his full sister Sentola.
Birdie’s 2012 foal by Universal Gold Card (who is now deceased) was Sold to a Wonderful home in NC. He is the full sibling to the 2011 foal that we sold to a Great family in Germany.
Birdie has 2013 off from foaling but we all ready have a contract on her 2014 foal.
Myrrhwood Marcello/palo
GoldenAcresGold Digger/palo
Blacksaddle Sunstar/palo
Hylee Just It/chnt
HRH Marionette/chnt
Trophy's Jade/chnt
WAR Le Fire Bird/black
Rimlo Black Talent/black
Rimlo Knight Hawk/ black
Rimlo Black Suzette/black
W A R Le Bird/black
WAR Omega Bird/ black
W A R Tosca Lele/black
You can view Birdie's complete pedigree here.
It includes pictures of many of his ancestors.
More photos of Birdie
(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)
(Baptiste Blue Hawaii x Universal Selection)
2012 cremello filly, 100% Foundation, (ee Aa CrCr)pictured at 7 months old
I knew from the moment I bred this sweet little girls parents that no matter what sex it was, it would be a keeper. Well I am over the top excited that it came out a she!!! And a beautiful very feminine she she is as well. Born just under the wire at 11:30 pm on Easter Sunday her name could not better suit her. Lily has become such a very bold and personal filly. She loves people and is trying her best to play with the other new babies. Her color test came back with one Agouti so that has made me even happier with her. I will promise to change out her profile picture as she grows. First video below is Lily at 7 months old doing her ground work and the second video is Lily at 3 weeks old doing her ground work for what is expected of her for that age.
You can view Lily's complete pedigree here.
It includes pictures of many of her ancestors
More photos of Lily
(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)
Baptiste Blue Hawaii |
Pal- |
Glori Del Sir John |
Correls Mae |
Kodiak Gold Model Walker |
Speedking |
Voyagerett Daisy |
Universal Selection |
Universal Trigger |
Dusty Joe |
Triple S Silver Butie |
Universal Terrific Cross |
Gold Cross Sun Catcher |
Miss Teriffic |
(Spring Lake Pallidin x Universal Selection)
2011 buckskin filly, 100% Foundation, (Ee Aa Crcr) pictured at 28 months
Well her name really says it all. Goodness Gracious is right. We call her Grace and
she is that as well. Talk about perfection-
Just below is a long yearling video of Grace doing her ground work. What a keeper she is!!!
Second video of Grace at 8 weeks before we decided to keep her and you can view 2 other videos of Grace here at 2 weeks old and here with all the other 2011 foals of MtnTop Morgans.
Spring Lake Pallidin
Spring Lake Peter D
The Yankee
Firepride Trill B
Dulcie Lenda
Yankee's Anhingo
Yankee's Pleasure
Universal Selection
Universal Trigger
Dusty Joe
Triple S Silver Butie
Universal Terrific Cross
Gold Cross Sun Catcher
Miss Terrific
You can view Grace's complete pedigree here.
It includes pictures of many of her ancestors.
More photos of Grace
(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)
Above pictures at 21 months
Far right pictures at 19 months
Pictures at right 16 months
Below at one year old
Universal Trigger
Dusty Joe
Flaming Jubilee
Sneakers Image
Triple S Silver Butie
Triple S Silver Fox
Triple S Summer Breeze
Universal Terrific Cross
Gold Cross Sun Catcher
Whippoorwill Arges
Tia Marietta
Miss Terrific
Blanco Oran
Sue's Ruby
You can view Faith's complete pedigree here.
It includes pictures of many of her ancestors.
More photos of Faith
(click on a thumbnail to enlarge)
Pictured below 11 hours after foaling her 2012 filly
(Universal Trigger x Universal Terrific Cross)
2006 cremello mare , 100% Foundation (ee Aa CRCR)
Breeding Foundation Morgans in a Vivid Array of Colors
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