MtnTop Alegria (Universal Gold Card x Tan War Bird) 2011 buckskin filly Well I waited on pins and needles for this foal to show up and when she finally decided
to enter this world I was VERY excited. She is out of one of my best producing mares
and by the buckskin stallion, Universal Gold Card, that I purchased last year. This
filly, Alegria, whose name means happiness and jubilation in Spanish is exactly how
I felt watching her be born. She is the most feminine foal I think I have ever seen.
Shoot I hadn't even checked the plumbing and I just knew she was a girl- We are VERY excited to announce that this beautiful young lady will be traveling to her new home the spring of 2012. Alegria is our first overseas sale and will have a wonderful home with Katrin and Michael Trauboth. |
King's Crimson Comet (Smokestorm X Hilton's Royal Charm) 2008 red dun colt (ee Aa Dd) I had sent a message out that I would offer "Dunkin" for sale or trade to someone if they wanted a nice dun stallion, or I would have to geld him as I just have TOO many intact boys here on the farm. Well, my prayers were answered. I got a wonderful email from Sharon Keller of Justapesty Morgans in WI and she asked if we could work out a deal. Well we DID!!! Thank you Sharon SO much. |
Bar Non Desert Rose (S Bar B Pierre Noire X Sandrock Bridget) 2006 buckskin mare I could not be more excited to announce that we have found the most wonderful home for Desi. Jennie of IL has purchased her very first horse!! Jennie has been a long time horse rider and has been a lover of Morgans most of her life, yet she has never actually owned her own horse. So Desi will truly be her first horse. I have enjoyed watching Jennie and Desi together and just love the knowledge that Jennie has about Morgan horses. Welcome Jennie to the wonderful world of Morgans and colorful Morgans as well. |
MtnTop Tru Melody (MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek X BRMF The Yellow Rose) 2009 smoky black filly (Ee Cr/cr) This is one incredible filly and one I thought I would never even consider parting with. She has that "IT" factor. Tru is conformationally correct from her beautiful head following a perfect neck that she carries gracefully. To a nice laid back shoulder and perfect back to a wonderful hip. She is all "Morgan" being feminine and graceful to having just that perfect amount of substance to her bone structure. Smart is an understatement with her. She figures things out in a snap and will sweet talk her way to allowing even the gruffest horse to share their food with her. She loves to strut her stuff and flags that tail of hers even just out trotting around. She has that beautiful movement from her sire that he has to date passed down to all his foals. Natural knee action and perfect forward hock movement, she is truly beautiful to watch move and everyone has to stop what they are doing when she does. Tru's lucky new owners are the Overlys of Fairwind Farm in OH. Congratulations! (Updated picture of Tru age 3) |
MtnTop Kerria of Gold (Gone Gold x BRMF The Yellow Rose) 2010 palomino filly My husband did a great job of finding the perfect name for this beautiful palomino filly. Kerria is a Japanese Yellow Rose so she is certainly named after her dam. We added the Gold because of course she is golden in color but also the name Gold shows up numerous times in both Roadie's and Rose's pedigree. This sweet girl is very curious and sweet. She is boldly marked with a huge blaze that runs into her nose and a white chin that streaks white up between the jaw. She has a super high white stocking and it looks like a half little pastern sock on the other hind. So she could very well be splash and sabino. It also appears that she has blue in her eyes just under the pupil, another indicator that she could be splash. Kerria's new owners are the Overlys of Fairwind Farm in OH. |
Gone Gold (Adiel's Casino Gold X Kennebec Topaz) 2002 palomino stallion (ee Aa N/Cr) I am very excited to announce that Gone Gold, aka Roadie, is now owned by Harvey Seidel of the Bar None Ranch in WY. With the loss of Harvey's stallion S Bar B Pierre Noire summer 2009, Roadie will have some very large shoes to fill. But I know he will be up for the task. And he will love every minute of the beautiful country and all the incredible Morgan mares Harvey has waiting for him. This means God has answered my prayers in finding Roadie the perfect home and allowing him to stay a stallion. I believe that it is possible that Harvey will collect and ship on Roadie in the future so if you are interested in a Roadie baby, just check out Harvey's website when you are ready. |
MtnTop Endeavour (Mtn Top Whippoorwill Tanek X Tan War Bird) 2009 black gelding (EE aa cr/cr) Born March 31, 2009 at 10:30pm at 318 days did not stop this boy from being a HUGE sturdy balanced baby. Big, Bold and Black is how we describe MtnTop Endeavour (MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek x Tan War Bird). Solid black with no white (and tested homozygous for black!). He is charming and loving of people and as a foal would rather follow them around then his dam which she is none to happy about. He loves to have his behind scratched and will back up for it to be scratched. This boy has plenty of personality. He will easily mature over 15 hands. Indy's new owners are Anne and Diane of Creek Side Morgans, Vicksburg, MI. |
MtnTop Black Gold (Gone Gold X Spring Lake Katefly) 2009 black colt, 100% Foundation breeding Gracing the world on April 21, 2009 at 5:30 PM is the black colt MtnTop Black Gold, aka Diesel. Named after his sire Gone Gold, Diesel is an incredible mix of old Morgan blood. He is 100% Foundation out of my favorite mare, Spring Lake Katefly who is the dam of one of my stallions. I love everything this mare has put on the ground and Diesel is no exception. Diesel is a perfect mix of Jubilee King and Ashbrook/Lippitt brought in from both the sire and the dam. Diesel's new owner is Judy Roberts of Ohio. Judy purchased and still owns a wonderful
Morgan gelding that she purchased from us several years ago, Dakota Jasper. Our Morgans
are like potato chips- |
MtnTop Phoenix Rising (Mtn Top Whippoorwill Tanek x WAR Le Fire Bird) 2011 black colt, 100% Foundation I was excited to see this foal born and from day one I have not been disappointed. Right away he was sweet sweet sweet and much to the dismay of his dam he would follow me around. He is a talker and nickers just about every time I talk to him. He has that super cute dishy head and the tiniest ears, long legged with great joint size. He will be big, in the 15.1 hand size. He is a beautiful mover, and lopes around like he was trained for western pleasure already. Cute little collected thing going on. It looks like his movements are effortless!!! We are very happy to announce that Phoenix has a wonderful new home with Sandra Kosek- |
MTNTOP MARCUS AURELIUS (Spring Lake Pallidin x BRMF The Yellow Rose) 2011 brown gelding, 100% Foundation I am super excited to announce that my last baby of the year has found the perfect home. MtnTop Marcus Aurelius will be heading to his new home to live with Lorri Sills. Lorrie came to visit with her sister in law, who owns MtnTop Phoenix Rising, and while she was here she played with Marcus. Well I do think we can all see how well that turned out for all of us, especially for Marcus as I could not be happier with his new forever home. |
MtnTop Forever Hawk (MtnTop Whippoorwill Tanek x Gar- 2007 homozygous for black colt (EE aa) This is what it's all about right here in one package. Hawk is a strong combination of the “golden cross” of Jubilee King and Flyhawk/Go Hawk lines, he traces back to Jubilee de Jarnette over 100 times. He is what you would expect of these bloodlines: GREAT temperament, smart, easy going and a fast learner. He is a "people horse" and will leave the herd to be with you. He is very self assured and will do anything asked of him with no complaints. He has the most beautiful legs and the angle of his shoulder is perfect. Tiny dishy head with tippy little ears, large soft eyes. He has wonderful ground manners; walks and trots off your shoulder movement and will dead stop just off your body. Congratulations and best wishes go to Hawk's new owners, Michael and Carol Yates of Leonard MI. UPDATE Hawk came back home to MtnTop Morgans for his saddle training in 2011 check out the videos of him on our training page. And an update picture of him as a 3 year old. |
MtnTop Xavier (Coachman's Cognac X Springlake Katefly) 2008 chestnut sabino gelding “X” is one very nice colt. He has plenty of bone yet shows a great deal of refinement. X is one chromed out boy and his two super high stockings accent his great movement. Add in a front full sock and one with a touch of white and he is a super showy boy. A huge congratulations goes out to Virginia Halfpenny on the purchase of X, who will
be joining Ginny and her Morgan mare, Noble Playgirl at her farm in Berlin, MA. Ginny
and her mare currently compete in driving along the East coast, and Ginny's plans
are to teach X to ride and drive and join her mare in pairs driving. Keep an eye
out for X - |
Dakota Jasper (Dakota Sun Raez x Tan War Bird) 2007 bay colt Congratulations to Judy Roberts of Ohio, Jasper new owner! Judy is a life- UPDATE: I feel very blessed that so many of my babies come back to me as adults to start their saddle training. And Jasper was no different. Please click here to see videos of Jasper in training. And I have inserted one of his pictures as a 4 year old as well. |
Gar- (Glick's Sir Lancelot X H- 2003 black mare Congratulations to Carol Metayer of Vermont. Imme has joined Carol's band of Morgans where she will be used for competitive trail and endurance. You might even see her out on the Morgan Mile! |
MtnTop Mornin' Rain (Trophy Lippitts Ethan Sam X Pretty Painted World) 2004 chestnut frame overo half Morgan mare "Rain" was bred on our farm. She is really the best of both worlds with that wonderful Morgan graceful movement that makes it appear as if she is floating. Rain has great ground manners and is a super friendly and in your pocket mare. She gets along with all the horses in the herd. She is foundation on her Morgan side and strong foundation bred on her dam side. My husband really loved riding her sire as he was the smoothest ride around and had such beautiful action. Just amazing to watch and so very comfy to ride. She moves just like him. Congratulations to her new owner, Bill Gresham of Tipton, MI! |
MtnTop Miss Sun Bird (Coachman's Cognac X Tan War Bird) 2008 palomino filly “Missy” is bold and fearless yet super gentle and loves being around people. There's not a mean bone in her body. She nickers and comes running when she sees you. Missy taught herself to cross our makeshift bridge and taught herself to load in the stock trailer all by herself. She shows no fear yet took her time in checking out each object by circling them and making sure they couldn’t “bite” her. As soon as she figured out they were no threat to her, she just jumped on (took her about 10 minutes for each obstacle). When learning to tie the first time (I use the Tie Block ring) she gave one tiny little attempt at a pull and figured this is no big deal; she didn’t stress over it at all. Congratulations to Missy's new owner, Shelley and Phil of BC UPDATE: Missy, aka Fanny is another of my foals that came home for saddle training please check out all her videos (4 of them) on my Training page. New picture of Fanny as a 3 year old |